Call for UK support "Save last Irish WW1 British Legion Hall campaign"

Most of the reminders of WW1 in the Republic of Ireland have disappeared over the years. There is no Poppy day or Cenotaph ceremony and for many years there was even no officially commemoration. This is particularly unfortunate in the context of 49,000 Irish (The Committee of the Irish National War Memorial) recorded casualties and 300,000 Irish participants in the Great War.

On hearing about the immanent demolition the British Legion Hall (Killester, Dublin), the last of its type, a group of local people who's relatives took part in WW1 are launching a campaign (Thursday 13th February 2014) for its preservation. They are now going one further by calling for the erection of a monument to the 1,000's of Irish men who died and the 10's of 1,000's who served as soldiers and sailors during the Great War. They are calling for support from the UK.

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